please comment or suggest idea or mistakes so I can fix it thank you!
1/3/2012 09:18:43 am

Info-Maybe give an intro instead of just going straight to Oceanic -Continental Convergence and maybe give more info.

Media-add a picture or video at least maybe a picture for each paragraph.

Punctuation-your punctuation is good

Spelling-only one thing in your third sentence of the first paragraph you did oc eanictic you added a space there.

Capitals-you need to capitalize alot of words I am not even going to list them so just go over the page

Otherwise Good job!

1/3/2012 11:59:32 am

Media: On media you need to add either a video or a picture on it.

Information: You need to add more information on the oceanic-continental convergence and more information on all of the parts.

Punctuation: Your punctuation is great.

Capitals: You have alot of errors, to many to list. So work on that page.

Spelling:You spelt oceanic wrong so go over that.

Grammar: Your grammar is good keep up the good work.

Good job!


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    My name is Mickey Mouse and some things I will be doing on this website is to learn new skills and research skills and  to put some of my projects and things I learn in school on this website so I hope you learn some things and to enjoy my website !!!!!!!


    January 2012
    December 2011

