In class we made mosaics for Mothers Day and it took about a week to finish it was very fun to do but It tought me a bunch of things to like how to tile safely, how to use grout and thin set , and that there is always patterns in art and you always want to make patterns.  Now iam going to tell you how to smash tile safely you first have to get a towel, than a hammer and some tile so first you place you peice of tile on your towel, you fold the towel over the tile,  than you smash it gentely not to hard or not to light and you will have these peices all cracked up like different sizes and different shapes, next you can place them on you frame and make whatever design you want to make.  So now that I talked about what I learned and how to tile safely Iam going to tell you a breif explenation about my mosaic for my mom I really wanted to make it unique and something that I really thought that was very unique about mine is that it not only has a pattern but it has a picture wich is a heart, also I picked a really bright and nice red for the heart because I really wanted it to pop out.  Than I picked a nice plain and simple border around it as you can see in the picture.  I hope you like my Mothers Day Mosaic and hopefully you can do it one day to!

Chelsea Somers
6/11/2012 03:45:58 am

I love how you put a heart around the mirror, but next time you may want to make the black border more neat. Overall, great job! :)

6/11/2012 04:09:23 am

I really like it but maybe shorten the reflection and also your pop art page is blank.

Minnie mouse
6/11/2012 04:11:27 am

i love the way you put a heart on your mirror ! :), you should add your lichenstein pop art

6/11/2012 06:19:11 am

Your art is very nice with the color red and I'm sure your mom loved it.


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    May 2012

